Posted by: Alison Hannah, Vice Consul of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv
Recently, my colleague, Valentyna Shygirt, and I had the pleasure of conducting a webchat on the Summer Work Travel (SWT) program. The chat was open to the general public and was a tremendous success!
Prior to the event, we advertised it on the Embassy webpage, the Embassy Facebook page and through a press release. The number of participants was more than we ever anticipated— nearly 150 students and representatives of local agencies from all over Ukraine and Belarus took part in the chat. We received about 250 questions prior to, during, and after the webchat. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to answer all the questions, but I managed to answer about 100 of them.
During the chat, I covered a variety of topics related to the program. The majority of questions asked pertained to program rules and regulations. Some questions were specific questions about a potential applicant’s personal situation or chances of getting a visa. All questions were welcome and helped me get out the message about the SWT program.
Anyone who missed the live broadcast of the webchat can watch the recording on YouTube. Even though the video was only posted a week ago, it’s already been watched by almost a thousand viewers. In response to public demand, we are thinking about conducting another webchat on the Summer Work Travel program sometime soon. Stay tuned!